Friday, March 15, 2013

Day 81:

Hi Team Maddox~
I know you all look forward to my daily updates but right now I am very over-whelmed and confused so I have decided I am going to start only posting news or updates. Or you might hear from the other admins on the page like Janet or Ron instead of me.. 

Every single day that goes by this process is becoming even more painful and so it is getting harder and harder for me to type something every day ... Every day I hope and pray I have some exciting news to report like a new sighting or even better a confirmed sighting or the best news ever that I found my sweet baby and we are going to have a big party but instead my search for my sweet baby boy continues.. =''(((

I promise you I will continue to post every confirmed sighting or news that I have, but will just stop posting random tidbits to avoid confusion.. Right now I am sure you are all as confused as I am so I will only share sightings that I know or feel pretty sure are Maddox.. Trust me it is better than posting a "maybe", then a "nope not him". The ups and downs pet owners go through while missing a loved one are incredibly difficult, so I will spare you all from that pain... I am still getting calls every single day and want you all to know I am not feeling hopeless or giving up, just over-whelmed and trying to focus on my sweet baby...

Please know I am very aware of the love being shared here and I am and will be forever grateful for Team Maddox's support! I can't get through this without you all!! Please know your support is extremely comforting and your determination to find my baby is what has gotten me through the past few months!! These days I try to answer every question and every comment but sometimes answering with no news or not having answers is even more painful and it breaks my heart so if I am silent for awhile please do not mistake my lack in posts for lack of appreciation...

I promise you all I will NEVER EVER give up on my baby Maddox and will be searching forever if that is as long as it takes! I can't wait to post that I found my baby and we are having a big party to celebrate so you all can meet him!

This is an extremely difficult scenario we are in but I would NEVER EVER give up on the hope I will get him home to Cali, I will never give up on my sweet baby Maddox!! Maddox is one of a kind and he is irreplaceable! He is my heart, my soul, my everything and I am willing to do whatever it takes to have my family all back together again and that includes having Maddox there! I just need to breathe and re-group and figure out a plan to find him.. I feel as if I have been spinning in circles the past few months and nothing is working.. =''(((

Please keep Praying for MADDOX and Please keep sharing & liking his page to MAINTAIN HIGH AWARENESS WE ARE STILL LOOKING FOR HIM!! WE ♥ YOU MADDOX!!!

Please keep praying for our happy ending and for God to answer our prayers and for God to show us a miracle. For God to lead Maddox back to us so we know he is safe and we can take him home!! Whatever the reason for the time that Maddox has been gone we know it was God's plan and it is his timing. Also pray to St. Anthony and all the saints to protect Maddox until he is re-united with his family. In Jesus Name, I pray. AMEN!

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