Wednesday, August 21, 2013


FAQS for Maddox Miniature Pinscher Lost in Okc
Where & when was the last sighting? NW Okc/Edmond. Exact locations can't be given. If people frequent the areas, he'll start running again. There have been multiple sightings in August!!

Can’t you just call his name? No. He’s in survival mode. Google dogs in survival mode. Or,

Why can’t someone just take his picture? In survival mode, animals run as soon as they see people.

Why don't you think someone has him? Since December, Karin TarQwyn and her tracking team have confirmed sightings many times throughout the months. Calls continue about a dog with same description and behavior that's been confirmed by scent dogs as Maddox in Edmond/NW Okc.

How will you catch him? Attract & Capture. If we can get enough sighting calls when they happen, we can establish travel pattern to set a trap. Cameras and feeding stations are set up now.

Why is it taking so long? Maddox is roaming in a 1 mile radius. Sighting calls come in spurts. Trapping is difficult until he settles in a small area. And remember, some signs get taken down and some think a dog is long gone if they saw a sign 2 weeks ago. It's difficult to keep up awareness.

Why do you think he’s still alive? What about coyotes? Confirmed sightings and survival mode is why. Pets aren't in survival mode and are often taken by coyotes when defending their territory. Dogs like Maddox are in survival mode and protect themselves by steering clear.

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