Saturday, October 12, 2013

Well this week has been so up and down up and down.. More than normal.. We received calls but none were Maddox.. I love that so many are still looking but then I keep wondering where all these babies are coming from and it hurts my heart there are so many out there being found and so many at shelters to be saved..

Good news is Team Maddox is amazing and several people have stepped up recently to help save some babies from the shelter.. I think I told you but we saved a Mommy & her 2 little baby boys.. Then we saved a Maddox lookalike. And then we saved a little baby boy.. only 2 months old.. All are doing great! I am so happy that Team Maddox stepped up to help save these babies! I want so desperately to start my own rescue.. I hope one day that dream will come true.. It would be much easier to be able to save these babies myself vs begging others to help me save them.. But those that have helped me.. I want you to know how truly thankful I am to have met so many people that are like me and love these babies and I feel together we are making a difference..

I don't know why but I can't stop crying.. guess it is because so much sad news this week... With Adrien Peterson's son. I don't know him but that little baby boy was only 2 years old. So heart-breaking..And then sweet Rosie.. Janet said this last night that she always tells Brick to "Be Like Rosie".. She said "Rosie is so happy about everything, everyone, everyplace"...

I admit I wish I could "Be Like Rosie".. But I can't be happy.. I miss the love of my life SO MUCH! I feel as if I have lost friends that don't get my search for Maddox or perhaps I have pushed them away.. I know I have been so distant but I hope all my friends that I have known forever & those I just met know that I love you all.. I am just having such a rough year.. I wish I was okay and like Rosie but don't know if I will ever be okay.. My heart hurts so bad & feel all alone & some days don't know how to go on but I will push on and keep moving forward for Maddox.. For Brandon.. And for my two new baby girls..

In my missing pet partnership class it said that losing a pet people deal with 2 different types of grieve.. "ambiguous grief" (grief with no closure) and "disenfranchised grief" (socially unacceptable grief) and the level of HAB (Human Animal Bond) influences the level of grief.. I guess that is why mine is off the charts.. Maddox was my soul mate, the love of my life, he was with me every second of every day for the past 8 years so I guess what I am feeling is normal.. I just want to find him to make all this go away! =''(((

Please keep praying for Maddox.. I pray he is okay.. I pray he is not hurt. I pray he will come back to me.. I pray he knows his Mommy is still looking for him.. I pray he knows how much I love him.. I get stories every single day of babies found months or years later so I keep thinking why can't that be me and I pray someday soon it will be me & Maddox & I will be together again! ='''(((

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