Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 147:

PRAYING FOR OKLAHOMA!! Please SHARE this poster for anyone who may have lost their baby ...especially in light of the weather and babies that may have been lost during the storms!
For those of you that are probably panicking like Maddox's Mommy, I want you all to know that thank goodness Maddox is no where near where the tornadoes hit, the sightings of him are further North & I have been able to get ahold of almost everyone that is part of Team Maddox that lives Oklahoma and all are okay.. But I have heard it is really bad so LOTS OF PRAYERS for EVERYONE with 4 LEGS & 2 LEGS in OKC Area!!!

Everyone has told me "Maddox is a strong, smart boy..he survived through the winter! Animals know bad weather is coming before we do..I'm sure he hunkered down somewhere." Good point but that doesn't make a very worried Mommy feel any better especially when we are from California and his Mommy is so far away and can't protect him and my poor baby is probably like what in the world is going on here?!? Get me out of this place! =''((( No offense to Oklahoma but tornadoes are one of the scariest things in this world to me.. I grew up in Kansas so yes I have been through a few.. VERY SCAREY!! =''(((

LOTS OF PRAYERS for everyone & every furbaby in the OKlahoma area!!! And praying for all the Lost babies like Maddox that are out there and praying they found a safe place and maybe some friends to hunker down with!! These things are horrible to deal with far away. I have been freaking out since I heard the news.. Not only am I worried about my sweet baby boy but all of Team Maddox whom I love so much!!!! Love you all & Praying you all are okay!!! And MADDOX PLEASE GO TO SOMEONE's PORCH & LET THEM HELP YOU & BRING YOU HOME TO MOMMY!!! LOVE YOU & MISS YOU SWEET BABY BOY MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THIS WORLD!!

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