Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Day 155:


I believe God is telling me something because within the past 24 hours I have been sent some incredible stories of lost babies being re-united with their families all because they were MICRO-CHIPPED! A chocolate Lab was just re-united with this family after 18 months, a baby named Jasmine was found 500 miles away from her home! She somehow traveled from Indiana to Atlanta within a few weeks. And a cat named Dallas was found 13 years later!!! I thank God every single day MADDOX is CHIPPED and PRAY that will be the key to get him back to me someday.. hopefully soon!

Ironically we have been working on a Maddox Tip about the importance of micro-chipping and have been wanting to help educate people on micro-chips since there seems be common mis-conceptions like if he is chipped, why can't you find him? Well micro-chips do NOT have GPS tracking. Also many do not know that if you find a lost baby you can take them to any vet or pet smart to get them scanned.. It takes seconds..

We believe micro-chipping is so important because you never know what can happen! I am the most over-protective mommy in the entire world and never leave Maddox anywhere but look what happened the one time I did. And look what is happening in Oklahoma from the tornado, so many mis-placed babies that just want their families back but they are not chipped and can't talk to tell us who their families are..

Micro-chipping gives these babies a voice so they can always tell you if someone finds them who their Mommy & Daddy are if they get scared and run away or if a disaster happens or if they end up out of state!!! Please share Maddox's Tip and help get all lost or misplaced babies back to their families!!! 

And below are links to real life cases where the micro-chip re-united these babies with their families!! ;)))



And don't forget to REGISTER your MICRO-CHIP!!!

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