Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 201:

Just wanted to Thank all of Team Maddox for the continued support!! I am blown away by the support for Bliss.. So many comments brought tears to my eyes... So many kind words made me realize I worry a lot.. clearly too much.. Thank you so much for the love & support for my family!! We can't wait to be a complete family! =''(((

As for sightings of Maddox.. Another thing I have been worried about... We are afraid that fireworks might of scared him off... We are getting calls.. actually getting lots of them but none have been him... =''(( Actually a poor baby was hit by a car late last week and we received 28 calls! Yes I said 28! So I know that made me feel better that so many people are aware of Maddox.. I am sad that someone else lost their baby though.. =''(( He was another one that looked like Maddox but the amazing Team Maddox scanned him and even notified his family.. Everyone that called was very upset since the baby did not make it but were happy to hear it was not Maddox and assured us they will keep looking for him.. I was also informed our signs are still up! And I hear it is raining in Oklahoma City so we are hoping & praying that will make Maddox come up off the creek and make an appearance again!

Someone asked me yesterday "who I have in OKC searching for my baby".. Well we do still have 20+ volunteers that help with feeding stations, cameras, hotline, and signs.. But summer has been busy for alot of them so if anyone wants to help them out please let us know! If interested in helping out in OKC area with Maddox search, please private message us on this page with your contact info..

And lastly just wanted to share this.. I read daily scriptures and this is what it said today.. ;)) Very perfect for me.. Please keep praying for Maddox to be home!!!

"DO NOT WORRY ABOUT TOMORROW! This is not a suggestion, but a command. I divided days and nights, so that you would have manageable portions of life to handle. My grace is sufficient for you, but its sufficiency is for only one day at a time. When you worry about the future, you heap day upon day of troubles onto your flimsy frame. You stagger under this heavy load, which I never intended you to carry."

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